Check out a live demo on j4ck.eth’s profile. Try clicking the Farcaster DAU credential~

Check out a live demo on j4ck.eth’s profile. Try clicking the Farcaster DAU credential~

What is it?

Farcaster qDAU is a recursive attestation experiment on Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) built by Icebreaker that allows known qDAUs on Farcaster to attest another user is a qDAU.

These users may log in to the Icebreaker app and equip the Attestation to their profile.

Anyone may interact with the schema but only those in the lineage starting from icebreakerlabs.eth will be able to equip the credential on their profile.

Why should I attest?

You will contribute to a self-healing and community maintained list of qDAUs on Farcaster. Icebreaker and other dapps can use this open attestation lineage as a quality control mechanism or filter.

Steps to attest

  1. Visit the Endorsement attestation page on EAS

  2. Enter the following:

    1. Recipient: ENS or recipient ETH address of person you wish to attest about
    2. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ is Endorsement: True
    3. Name: qDAU
    4. Domain: Farcaster
    5. Context: leave blank
    6. Leave the attestation toggle on Offchain


  3. Click Make attestation

  4. Sign with your wallet (this is NOT a transaction)

  5. Doublecheck everything looks good, specifically that True is set, and not False in the isEndorsement field


  6. Click Publish to IPFS and then Yes, publish this offchain attestation to IPFS. Reminder, this is entirely free!

  7. You successfully attested!


Equip Farcaster qDAU on your Icebreaker profile