Set up your card

Your card is encoded with a unique NFC readable token, which will become your link to connect with anyone in the world using Icebreaker.

Get started by tapping the black Icebreaker logo on the back of your card:

The tappable side of the Icebreaker card. Note that solid metal interferes with NFC so you need to use this side when exchanging info.

The tappable side of the Icebreaker card. Note that solid metal interferes with NFC so you need to use this side when exchanging info.

The NFC reader is located on the top of iPhone and the middle of Android phones (shown in the diagrams below). If you have any trouble initially tapping your card, contact us immediately in Telegram.

How to read NFC on iPhone

How to read NFC on Android

  1. After tapping the card to your device, tap ‘Log in to continue’
  2. Choose your desired method to log in
    1. Note: If you log in with a social channel, a wallet is created. Each social channel will create its own individual wallet. For example: if I log in with Google and add channels, then next time log in with Twitter, I will not see the Icebreaker account I made when I logged in with Google. We use Privy as our wallet-as-a-service provider. You can learn more about their solution here.
  3. You will have a new primary card with a name like 0x1234…ABCD

Profile setup

  1. Tap on that card, then tap Edit card at the bottom
  2. Add desired details, credentials, and channels
  3. Tap on anyone’s phone you meet to give them your primary card

Bubble tag