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Contest Official Rules

What is the ETHDenver Crypto Cup 2024?

Icebreaker is launching an onchain cooperative game at ETHDenver built around proof-of-presence attestations and meeting other attendees.

Leading up to ETHDenver, anyone can claim the Crypto Cup, but to play, you must generate an attestation of presence at ETH Denver by checking in in-person with a Friend of Icebreaker.

Once checked in, attendees can earn points by connecting with other verified attendees, which Icebreaker will also help suggest based on mutual connections and trust, as well as attend partner events.

How do I join?


  1. Claim the NFT beforehand from Icebreaker at icebreaker.xyz/cryptocup

  2. Make as many connections as you can between Feb 23–Mar 3 on Icebreaker

  3. When you arrive at ETHDenver, connect with one of our partners listed below at any time to prove your attendance.

    1. Tip: Look for the black 4” Icebreaker Tap Points! Our partners will have these at their events and they are the easiest way to enter the game.

      An Icebreaker Tap Point

      An Icebreaker Tap Point

  4. Tap Evolve on the Crypto Cup page to claim your points!

Who are the Crypto Cup partners?

We are lucky to have an amazing set of partners helping us bring self-sovereign connections to ETHDenver.

Attend their events and check in, or connect with them around Denver in order to play the game!